Obama Deserves Little to No Credit

– Jerry McConnell  Wednesday, May 4, 2011 / Canada Free Press

It was sickening to listen to that charlatan usurper in our White House bragging that HE caused this coup to happen.

First let me offer my heartiest congratulations and kudos to our northern neighbors on the almost total obliteration of the liberals in their political offices.  May we here in the United States be as fortunate in November, 2012.

Obama campaigning in 2010

I’m sorry, America, but I can’t join in the celebration of Osama bin Laden’s demise.  It’s not that I am not happy this villain is dead, it’s just that I don’t want to honor the lies that our disgraceful snippet of a deluded leader is slavering all over anyone foolish enough to listen. He is making it sound as if HE planned and led the troops in the execution of the entire exercise.  He also sounds close to claimingcredit for it being his idea for several years.  On 9/11/01 he was probably out hustling the neighborhoods in his community activist role
Continue reading HERE. 

CONFIRMED: CBS Editors Refuse To Release Full Audio Of Obama Hot Mic Recording!

Had it been George W. Bush, all the networks would be blasting the audio 24/7: another example of the media being left biased and almost an arm of the White House.  -Peregrine

by Andrew Marcus /  Big Government

Last weekend, His Presidency Barack Obama was captured making potentially offensive comments to a group of big money donors who had paid large sums of money for special access to His Presidency.

We observed that CBS only released “selectively edited” moments from the raw tape. We know how much the mainstream media values complete and full disclosure of recordings of this nature, so we found it curious, to say the least, that there was not one drop of intellectual curiosity from these guardians of media purity regarding the content of the full recording.

Continue reading HERE.

Anti-Iraq War Bush-haters squirm to justify Libya

Larry Elder says it better than I think it. Here we have President Obama talking about democracy in the Middle East and all of a sudden fighting for democracy is ok, but when George W. Bush talked about taking democracy to the Middle East, all American hell broke loose.  -Peregrine

By Larry Elder, The Sage from South Central (L.A.)
March 24, 2011 / WorldNetDaily

“The president does not havepowerunder the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” then-presidential candidate Barack Obama said in December 2007.

What a difference a change of job title makes.

“Let’s just call a spade a spade. A no-fly zone begins with an attack on Libya,” said Defense Secretary RobertGatesthree weeks before President Obama ordered a no-fly zone over – and other military action against – Libya.

Read the rest of the article HERE.


American Hero

mastadonarmy | October 06, 2010

(follow @mastadonarmy on twitter)
In a country, headed toward socialism, where the elitist few ran the government and did not govern for the people, but against them…

In a climate of arrogant words, never before seen flippant attitudes, photo ops, fake news stories, and continued out of control rhetoric…

In a time of rising debt, broken promises, increased taxes, out of control government spending, corporate takeovers and corrupt special interests …

In a world where evil nations are developing nuclear weapons and where Obama pairs down the United State’s arsenal leaving us more and more defenseless….

Now, more than ever, America needs a hero- one who has the power to change the political landscape. That hero, that voice… is You.

You were bullied
and made fun of.

While they golfed
vacationed lavishly
flew a dog on a separate jet
You suffered.

While they were being idolized
you were put out of work.
While they apologized for America’s success
tax burdens increased for small businesses.
They wasted billions!
Europe told them no at the G20
Republicans tried to tell them no but were outnumbered.

Now it’s your turn.
On November 2nd
be a hero.
Vote to reclaim our country.
It’s time to send the hippies home
(follow @mastadonarmy on twitter)

George Bush Greets The Troops As Obama Lets Us Forget + 2nd video made by a man who had his differences with Bush

The people who love George W. Bush don’t love him because he is white. They love him because he is clearly a good, kind, loving, open man.  ~Peregrine
August 16, 2010 / Anorak

ANYONE missing George W. Bush yet? One things Obama might have gotten wrong is to fail to remind everyone enough what went before.Andrew Sullivan says:

Now, the Tories have only just gotten into office, while Obama has had a year and a half to be accountable. But they are doing what Obama should, in my view, have done from the start: relentlessly remind people of what the GOP did to this country.

Another thing Obama might have gotten wrong is forgetting who his allies are and looking like he’s in it for the money and fame as his wife swans about Marbella while the recession continues to bite.

One thing Dubya got right was seeing the job through. He’s been at DFW Airport to greet 150 troops as they arrived home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Note: How long before Tony Blair shows his face at such an event in the UK? And what odds we’d be banned from photographing it if he did..?

For still shots of this event see HERE.


This second video was made by a man who has had his differences with George W. Bush, but gives him  his due.

Obama vs Bush Soldiers' response: Can you see the difference

Thu, Jul 8, 2010 09:59 PM PST

The foremost responsibility of the president of the United States is to protect our country and its people. In executing this top priority charge, the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military must be respected by the troops, and if the troops can like him as well as respect him, so much the better.

So far several troops have already refused to serve because they believe Mr. Obama not to be a natural born U.S. citizen. and therefore ineligible for the presidency. At very best, this is a bad, bad sign.

If you want to see more of how our troops feel about the man who sits in the Oval Office today, check out this video. And does it matter? Yes, it matters.



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